Freddy Chiu (Coach Leader) BMSA Project

Freddy Chiu

Mr. Freddy Chiu held his Bachelor’s degree of Applied Physics in 2015 and subsequently graduated from the University College London (UCL) in his 1st Master of Science Cognitive Neuroscience since 2018.

From Sept 2019, he rejoined the team of Brain Quotient and Neurofeedback Technology Center (BQNF) as a Full-time Brain Quotient Consultant as well as a Senior Neurofeedback Trainer in BQNF Kwun Tong Center.

Previously in 2015, he was employed as a BQNF Neurofeedback Trainer and encountered over hundreds of cases ranging from SEN children, teenagers, adults with anxiety issue, to the elderly with dementia throughout his two-year work. With his current role as a consultant, all the stories behind the trainees motivated him to pursue further study in the field of family education, he is recently taking his 2nd Master’s degree of Family Counselling and Family Education in Chinese University of Hong Kong. He devotes his life to educate the future generations with his variety of professions and aims to integrate the contemporary child education mechanism in the perspective of modern neuroscience technology.

Joint Campaign - 八達通產品及時尚飾物

MiMetro Jewelry 提供一系列嶄新、時尚、別具玩味並可隨意互換的配飾、鎖匙扣等,完美配合顧客每天不同的衣著和心情。 配飾可單獨配帶, 也可發揮創意, 與手袋甚至其他產品襯托使用。 MiMetro 八達通配飾是正式被授權認可的 《成人八達通產品》, 透過 MiMetro 產品系列顧客可感受到全新並時尚的消費體驗。 詳情 : 在 MiMetro 配飾的生產過程中, 我們加入了多種物料以提升設計及獨特性, 包括不銹鋼、醋酸纖維、皮革、牛仔布、水晶、貝母, 等等。 大膽使用不同的物料, 大大提高 MiMetro 配飾的可玩性。

MiMetro 提供以下「正義聯盟」產品 :

  • 「正義聯盟」系列八達通
  • 「正義聯盟」系列超人及蝙蝠俠公仔皮套

MiMetro 提供以下時尚掛飾產品 :

  • 八達通掛飾
  • 流蘇飾物
  • 頸鏈掛飾


15/F, Block B, Tung Chong Factory Building, 653~659 King’s Road, Hong Kong